6 Opportunities to Celebrate National Quilting Month with Thimbles

National Quilting Day is this Saturday, March 15 and we can’t wait to celebrate with our quilters and sewists!

March is a fantastic month. The first day of spring is a week away, it’s Women’s History Month, and it’s National Quilting Month. That’s a lot of wonderful things packed into just 31 days! Today we’re sharing six great opportunities to celebrate your love of quilting with Thimbles. And because we know life is always busy, we’re including some events you can participate in during April. Why stop celebrating when March is over? 


1. Thimbles Thursday

Did you know that we go live on Facebook almost every Thursday at 2:00 pm CT? Did you know those livecasts are also broadcast to our website?

Our live Thimbles Thursday videos are a fantastic opportunity to learn about—and shop!—new products, kits, and fabrics at Thimbles. These are the newest products we’ve just received in store, and viewers get the first opportunity to purchase them. We have frequently sold out of new goodies during Thimbles Thursday, so if you suffer from quilter’s FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) then you will not want to miss our broadcasts. 

We also like to include product and/or project tutorials to show you how we use certain tools or make specific quilted items. So if you’re full up on fabrics and kits, come watch for the educational element, like in our cutting blocks tutorial shown above. Or, if you’re a fan of comedy, stay for the jokes, as in the video below.

2. Judy Kessinger Lecture & Events - March 13-17

Judy Kessinger Fitting Classes

We’re super excited for our Judy Lessinger events this week. And clearly, the Thimbles sewing and quilting crew is too, because we’re almost sold out for the Lady Legs Pants Fitting Class on March 15 and the Perfect Fit Top Class on March 14!

Lucky for us, Judy agreed to two more classes so that more sewists could attend her awesome fitting classes! We now have spots available for Perfect Fit Top on March 16 and Lady Legs on March 17, but don’t wait—all of Judy’s classes are filling up quickly!  

Judy will also be here all day tomorrow for a Fit to Fabulous Lecture and tickets are still available. If you purchase a ticket for Lady Legs on March 15 or Perfect Fit Top on March 14, the lecture is FREE! Come be inspired by a trunk show of her fabulously fitted garments, ask Judy your questions on crafting garments to your unique shape and size, get a personal measurement and consultation with Judy, and enjoy lunch with Thimbles!


3. Pi Day Sale! - March 14

Pi Day Sale Quilting Sewing

In honor of National Quilting Month, National Quilting Day, and our love of sweet treats, we’re celebrating Pi Day with a Pi Day Sale!

Visit Thimbles on March 14 (3.14) and take 14% off your purchase. We’re also serving cake, because while it might be Pi Day… we just prefer cake. Come save on your purchases, have a slice, and debate us on which is better (it’s cake. Cake is better).  


4. Brown Bag Mystery 2025 - Dealers Choice - March 15 - May 10

Brown Bag Mystery 2025 - Dealers Choice

The first clue of  Brown Bag Mystery 2025 Dealers Choice launches this Saturday, March 15—National Quilting Day! 

We still have lots of Brown Bag kits in stock, as well as matching border kits and runner kits for the bonus project. Each kit comes with over 6 yards of fabric plus the initial cutting instructions so you can prep your fabric ahead of time. The mystery quilt this year features a really fun educational component so you’re not just quilting—you’re learning new skills to make you a stronger quilter!

We can’t wait to start quilting Karen Montgomery’s mystery design for this year. It’s always such a blast to quilt together and watch our quilting crew discover the amazing design Karen has created. When you join the event, you’ll also receive an invitation to join the private Brown Bag Mystery Facebook group. It’s a fun, dedicated space for asking questions, sharing tips, and ogling other quilter’s mystery quilts! 

Learn more about the 2025 Brown Bag Mystery Quilt here and find your dream kit here!


5. Judy Niemeyer UFO - April 7-10

Are you sitting on a Jdy Niemeyer quilt, waiting for the energy to finish it? We’ve got you covered! 

Come to our Judy Niemeyer UFO (UnFinished Objects) event! From April 7-10, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, we will be your paper piecing cheerleaders, urging you to the finish line. Join other quilters as they, too, endeavor to finish their Judy Niemeyer quilts in four days of fun, relaxing, and encouraging quilting. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you just can’t tackle some part of the paper piecing alone, this event is for you! Let’s get that quilt done together!

6. Laura Heine Collage Quilting - April 17

Was tackling a new skill on your list of quilt goals this year? Collage quilting is having a moment right now and it’s a great tool for crafting unique quilts that reflect your individual aesthetic.

In Laura Heine’s Sewing Scissors Quilt Class on April 17, we’re using the Sewing Scissors Quilt Kit to teach quilters the collage quilting process. You’ll learn about the relationships between values, hues, and motifs to discover a fool-proof method for layering fabric when you collage quilt. You’ll leave with scraps and the inspiration to create your own collage quilt later.

Are you excited to celebrate National Quilting Month? Join us on Facebook and Instagram and let us know which events you’re excited to attend!

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