National Quilting Day is this Saturday, March 15 and we can’t wait to celebrate with our quilters and sewists!
March is a fantastic month. The first day of spring is a week away, it’s Women’s History Month, and it’s National Quilting Month. That’s a lot of wonderful things packed into just 31 da...
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Today’s Staff Spotlight finally (finally!) touches base with Jane Hartl, co-owner of Thimbles. Jane has managed to skirt the Staff Spotlight for a few years now. Tammy likes to joke that Jane’s image doesn’t appear on film, but not because she’s some kind of vampire—only because Jane prefers lif...
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Gift giving season will be here before you know it. While sewists and quilters definitely have wish lists filled with quilting fabrics and kits, sewing tools and machines, and patterns and books, there’s something to be said for singular experiences. Why not give your favorite quilter something t...
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It’s National Sewing Month! You might remember our blog from last year celebrating the national holiday for sewists and quilters everywhere. Each September, the National Sewing Month website issues a new theme for the month. This year’s theme is “Spread Love, Stitch Love.” This is how they defin...
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